Time Management


 Time Management

Every teacher feels themselves being pulled in what seems like 100 different directions at once.  There is always so much to do and there is never enough time.  What can be very frustrating as a teacher is that our work is never done.  As we check off one thing on our "To Do" list, another 3 are added.  The inability to ever be "done" can cause a tremendous amount of stress.  Having good time mangagement skills can help to maximize our work and at the same help reduce the stress we feel on a daily basis.  Below are some ways to help with our time management.

Prioritize Your Tasks

Going to work knowing that there is not enough time to complete all your tasks in a day can be very overwhelming.  Learn how to prioritize your tasks by checking out the link below:  

Maximize Your Time

Read this example of a teacher maximizing her non-instructional time both at home and at school. 

Learn to Say No

As an educator, we want to do the best for our students.  Oftentimes, that comes at the expense of our own well-being.  Overwhelmed and overloaded can leave little left in the tank for our students.  Learning to say no is key to becoming a better teacher.  Check out these tips for learning to say no.


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