Using Exercise to Help Reduce Stress


 Using Exercise to Help Reduce Stress

Reducing stress in your life is important to being the best teacher you can be.  Exercise can be one of the tools you can use to help do that.  Not only does taking care of your body allows through exercise helps it to respond to stress, but it also leads to having more energy, The benefits of regular exercise are plentiful.  Check out the resources below for some great information and tips about bringing exercise into your life.

Why Exercise? 

The benefits to regular exercise are well documented by numerous sources.  Check out this site on the many benefits of exercise. 

How Do I Start an Exercise Routine?

Now that you know the many benefits to regular exercise, where do you begin?  How can you make exercising a habit?  Check out the link below:

What are Some Exercise Ideas?

Being committed to an exercise routine is important.  Finding something you love to do that involves movement is a great way to keep physical activity a part of your life.  Here some great sites for exercise ideas:


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